Final Project

Today I decided on what final project I want to do for my class. I decided that the three topics I want to work on are for loops, color theory, and boolean algebra. For loops is a loop where a piece of code is repeated until a certain requirement is met. Something is declared at the beginning of the loop (usually an integer) and with each loop something is changed to an integer (usually the integer declared at the beginning). Color theory is used declare an object’s color in a program. Color theory consists of three integers, one for red, one for green, and one for blue. The three colors indicated by each integer are then blended by the computer to display the color decided. Finally, boolean algebra is used by computers to decide something as true or false. This is usually determined by the program to label a class or by the computer based on an action indicated in the program. I decided to pick all three because I am pretty comfortable with all three topics due to past experience in all of these fields.

Stone Librande

Today Stone Librande visited our class to talk about video game design. It was really really interesting! I never thought that the video game design process was as complex as it is. Video game designers are necessary in the development of a video game. You can’t just have artists and programmers and think that you’ll make a fine game. You have to have a brain to control them, and I finally realized this from this meeting.


I also thought it was really cool on how he used boardgames to understand and simulate a video game before its released. I want to try that one day because I dream of becoming a video game designer myself. I’m really glad that I got to listen to him today! Thank you so much Mr. Librande!

Alan Turing

So I just read a paper by Alan Turing about Artificial Intelligence. I really liked how he proposed to test how believable Artificial Intelligence would be by the Imitation Game. The game goes by having a computer and a person and a set of judges trying to determine who the computer is and who the person based on how believable they are. The computer would try to act as a person while the man would be honest. Although I already heard about this during class today, but this really stood out to me the most because I thought it was really neat and entertaining. You can read about it here.

Data Structures

Array: An array is used in computer science to store multiple items. All of the items in the array have to be of the same type (ex: int, char, etc.). In this data structure, I made an array of 5 and only filled out 4 of them.


Stack: A stack is a data structure where only the item at the top can be used. You can either pop the card off the stack or take a peek at it while its on the stack. You can also push another item onto the stack.


Queue: A Queue is like a stack, but you can only add items from the the bottom of the list and only the list at the top can be removed. The process of adding an item is called an Enqueue while removing an item is called a Dequeue


Binary Tree: A binary tree a data structure where each node has two nodes coming off of it. You can jump from node to node using this data structure.